After that only first five people get five by one if they do it with a person without the meeting of the new members having really encountered.
I receive meeting of the new members once and am already enabled if I exceed login 365.
It is known that when you match the first 100 people you will get orbs as rewards.
My problem is that I only get the first 4 people's mails and my friends told me it's far from that. so I wonder if there's some problem or what I need to do to get the rest of rewards.
P.S. I do turn the notice on so I've got the first 4 mails.
@機龍改 Thank you. I can read Japanese but just cannot write sorry about that.
そうですか。では、新しく質問を『日本語』 でして下さい。ここは日本です。when in Rome, do as the Romans do お願いしますね。
指摘ありがとうございます。 でもタメ口はやめて下さい。 質問者さん、私が読み間違えてました。謝りますm(__)m