My first "超絶運極" was Tsukuyomi. At first , I used for it quest , four Doraemons at multi-play. Although , I used a Noa and three Doraemons at multi-play. (Sorry for may bad English)
私は香港人で! 皆様最初ど超絕運極わなでか?
Which monster was your first超絕運極?
(Sorry for my bad Japanese!)
In Japan verison has Doraemons? That was amazing!!
In Japan verison has Doraemons? That was amazing!!
"Although , I used a Noa ~" is before last party I used.
Sorry for send the same things twice ^^"
Noa is great too! His 友情combo is speed up
Doraemon is very strong. It has "to penetrate shock wave" that defeating week enemies. Noa's true strong point is "プラズマ"
to penetrate shock wave=神威友情combo? プラズマis very strong too!
No ,神威友情combo is homing. to penetrate shock wave = 貫通衝撃波 same ロビンフッド at god version.